Prosper Career Independent Study, or PCIS, is an opportunity for students to explore a career they are interested in through the guidance of a mentor, typically a professional in that field. Students work on building a final product by the end of the year to demonstrate knowledge and growth. I was admitted into this program during my senior year of high school, 2020-2021.
I was fortunate enough to shadow Sophie Gragg, founder and editor of Luna Collective Magazine in Los Angeles. With her guidance I was able to shoot, edit, and print a magazine of my own. The knowledge and experience I gained throughout this process has played a major role in helping me find my passions in design and photography, leading me to pursue further education and a career in these fields.
I include this in my work samples to this day as a reminder of where my love for this craft started, and to be able to reflect on technical developments over the past several years.